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HTML version of articles available


After staying in a beta state for some time, and leveraging the great work of tools such as LaTeXML, we are now including an HTML version of the articles directly into the paper pages. This has been done reroactively to all previously published papers at MELBA, and is intended to facilitate skimming through articles, notably on phone or tablet.

The exact details will be refined over time, and any feedback can be sent directly to

Happy reading!

html content within pages

MELBA Symposium on Generative Models


We are thrilled to announce the MELBA Symposium on Generative Models, which will take place on Tuesday, June 11 at 9-11:30 AM EDT, 3-5:30 PM CEST! Join us for an exciting lineup of talks from spotlight papers at MELBA surrounding generative models, machine learning and biomedical imaging. Afterwards, there will be a panel discussion with all speakers moderated by a member of the MELBA board.

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 979 1513 2810
Passcode: 115605


All times are EDT/UTC-4

09:00 - 09:30

CoNeS: Conditional neural fields with shift modulation for multi-sequence MRI translation
Authors: Yunjie Chen, Marius Staring, Olaf M. Neve, Stephan R. Romeijn, Erik F. Hensen, Berit M. Verbist, Jelmer M. Wolterink, Qian Tao

09:30 - 10:00

Evaluation of pseudo-healthy image reconstruction for anomaly detection with deep generative models: Application to brain FDG PET
Authors: Ravi Hassanaly, Camille Brianceau, Maëlys Solal, Olivier Colliot, Ninon Burgos

10:00 - 10:30

Score-Based Generative Models for PET Image Reconstruction
Authors: Imraj RD Singh, Alexander Denker, Riccardo Barbano, Željko Kereta, Bangti Jin, Kris Thielemans, Peter Maass, Simon Arridge

10:30 - 11:00

A Recycling Training Strategy for Medical Image Segmentation with Diffusion Denoising Models
Authors: Yunguan Fu, Yiwen Li, Shaheer U Saeed, Matthew J Clarkson, Yipeng Hu

11:00 - 11:30

Panel discussion
All speakers

Journal-to-conference track at MIDL 2024


The MELBA board happy to announce that, in partnership with the MIDL foundation, MIDL 2024 will feature a "journal-to-conference" track, inviting recently published* MELBA papers to present their work during the conference. Going forward newly published** papers will have the possibility to present their work at MIDL.

Moreover, the best papers of the conference will be invited to submit a journal extension to a special issue in the MELBA journal.

This will strenghten the ongoing partnership between the MIDL foundation and MELBA board, both of which are strongly committed to Open Science and Open Access.

* This excludes papers that are already an extension of a conference/workshop paper.
** Registration deadline will be communicated at a later date.

MELBA special issue on image registration


MELBA (The Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging) encourages the submission of manuscripts on the general topic of “learning-based medical image registration”. MELBA is a web-based journal devoted to the free and unrestricted access of high quality articles in the broad field that bridges machine learning and biomedical imaging.

Motion estimation, shape matching and multimodal fusion are some of the core applications in medical image registration that have seen substantial progress through the advent of deep learning-based technique over recent years. We invite you to submit full papers or extended conference works that extend the knowledge in this emerging research field. Submissions are invited in all areas of learning-based medical image registration. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Novel learning-based registration methodology;
  • Combinations of learning and non-learning techniques;
  • Machine learning and deep learning techniques for registration;
  • (Bio)-medical applications of image registration;
  • Validation of registration and benchmarking;
  • Motion modelling and reconstruction.

We kindly invite researchers to contribute their high-quality original articles on these topics to our Special Issue. We will be considering submissions between now and Oct 1, 2023 November 30 2023. When submitting your manuscript, the authors should use the cover letter to indicate their intention to be considered in the special issue. The editorial team will aim to streamline the reviews and return a decision within 4-6 weeks from submission. Final accepted papers will be highlighted in a special issue that will be collectively published in the fall/winter of 2023.

In conjunction with MIDL 2024 in Paris we are planning to provide an automatic presentation slot for all original papers accepted within this special issue if the authors are interested in showcasing their research to this audience as well.

Guest Editors:

  • Dr. Veronika Zimmer, TU München, Germany;
  • Dr. Alessa Hering, RadboudUMC, Netherlands;
  • Dr. Mattias Heinrich, University of Lübeck, Germany.

Edit: The submission deadline has been extended from October 1 to November 30, 2023.

Announcing CrossRef membership and MELBA DOI


We are happy to announce that MELBA is now a member of CrossRef, and that all published articles at MELBA are referenced there. This is retro-active, and authors are not required to take any extra step.

doi location on page

While the most visible consequence is that we are now issuing our own DOI numbers, it is also an important step toward free and open science, maintaining high-quality standards for referencing and archival of scientific works. This will facilitate the discovery and accurate citation for other researchers and cross-referencing with other publishers.

We are able to cover the additional costs associated with this change through grants and other funding, meaning that we maintain our low submission fee (USD 10) and publishing at MELBA does not cost anything to authors and readers alike.

More exciting developments are in the works, stay tuned!

MELBA special issue on generative models


MELBA (The Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging) encourages the submission of manuscripts on the general topic of “generative models for biomedical imaging and image analysis”. MELBA is a web-based journal devoted to the free and unrestricted access of high quality articles in the broad field that bridges machine learning and biomedical imaging.

In recent years, there has been a flurry of developments in machine learning (including Variational Auto-Encoders or VAEs, Generative Adversarial Networks or GANs, Normalizing Flows or NFs, and lately, Diffusion Models) that enable us to generate high-quality, realistic synthetic data such as high-dimensional images, volumes, or tensors.

These techniques have numerous applications in medical imaging and analysis, including: educational purposes, dataset augmentation and imputation, correction of dataset biases, image reconstruction and synthesis problems. The Special Issue aims to collect new contributions in this general area.

Topics of interest can include, but are not limited to:

  • new generative modeling methods that are motivated by or applicable to known problems in biomedical imaging, with strong theoretical justification and appropriate empirical evaluation;
  • empirical accounts that thoroughly evaluate, and/or compare existing generative modeling methods for biomedical imaging applications of interest; and
  • presentation of a novel biomedical imaging application, where existing generative models offer a key solution.

We kindly invite researchers to contribute their high-quality original articles on these topics to our Special Issue. We will be considering submissions between now and August 31 October 1st 2023. When submitting your manuscript, the authors should use the cover letter to indicate their intention to be considered in the special issue. The editorial team will aim to streamline the reviews and return a decision within 4-6 weeks from submission. Final accepted papers will be highlighted in a special issue that will be collectively published in the fall of 2023.

Edit: The submission deadline has been moved to August 31 October 1st 2023.

MELBA-IPMI 2021 special issue


Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI) is one of the longest-running conference series in medical imaging, founded in 1969. The conference has a number of traditions, ranging from unrestricted discussion time, via reading groups and a conference choir, to a soccer game. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 conference was held virtually, still holding on to as many traditions as possible. The conference had 150 attendees, and featured both the traditional reading groups and a far less traditional virtual conference venue to recreate the community feeling known from physical IPMI conferences as much as possible (including the soccer game!).

IPMI 2021 received 200 valid submissions, of which 59 were accepted for publication at the conference. From these, 29 papers were invited to submit an extended journal version to the first special edition of the MELBA journal associated with an IPMI conference.

Out of the invited papers, we received 11 submissions, which all underwent a new peer-review process. All 11 papers were accepted for the final special issue. These papers cover the topics discussed at the conference well, ranging from uncertainty estimation, via learning hyperparameter tuning, to designing and utilizing geometric priors. We are excited and thankful to present these papers in openly available form to the community through MELBA, including the recorded conference talks, which can be found from the conference website.

The guest editors,
  • Aasa Feragen, Technical University of Denmark;
  • Mads Nielsen, University of Copenhagen;
  • Stefan Sommer, University of Copenhagen;
  • Julia Schnabel, Helmholtz Munich,Technical University of Munich, and King's College London.
Conference website:

RSS feed for new articles and blog-posts


We are happy to unveil a new RSS feed (available at, that includes both research articles and blog posts.

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a simple and convenient way to receive automatically updates and news from a website, without having to check it manually. Many e-mail clients (including Thunderbird and Outlook) can support it out-of-the-box, and many alternative RSS clients exist.

Recordings of the first MELBA symposium


The recordings of the first MELBA symposium are now available online:

First MELBA Symposium


Mark your calendars! We will have the first virtual MELBA Symposium on May 5, 2022, between 9a-11a US EDT.
Two papers, selected by a readers’ vote, will be presented and discussed in detail:

Edit (2022/04/27):

The symposium will be hosted on Zoom (, Passcode: 238759):

Announcing the MELBA Symposium Initiative


The MELBA Journal is excited to announce a new initiative that aims to increase engagement between authors and readers, and spotlight high quality papers.

We plan to have an online (virtual) symposium, multiple times a year, where two or three papers that were previously published in MELBA, will be presented by the authors and interactively discussed in detail. Each paper will have a dedicated reading group that might include editor(s) and reviewer(s) involved in the evaluation of the paper and other expert researchers in the field. This group will lead the live discussion with the author(s) of the paper during the symposium, where audience members will be welcome to participate too.

The choice of papers will be made based on feedback from readers, reviewers, and editors.
The timing of the symposium and selected papers will be posted later.

New website!


We are excited to unveil our new, in-house MELBA website, which will enable more information and context about each published paper. Authors are invited to provide extra links, videos, and presentation as companion documents to the PDF. The publishing editor can be contacted to add or modify this extra content, even after publication.

The submission and reviewing process is still hosted on Scholastica.

MELBA-MIDL 2020 special issue


We are pleased to announce the first MELBA special issue on selected papers from the Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL) conference held virtually, also for the first time, in Montreal from July 6 to 9, 2020. The annual MIDL conference attracts world-class researchers, engineers, as well as clinicians, who develop novel algorithms to solve medical imaging problems using deep learning. The virtual conference had 3,575 registered participants. Two submission tracks were received through the OpenReview system, 148 full papers and 106 short papers. The conference selection had 65 full papers and 40 short papers. A smaller subset of 20 papers were invited to submit an extended journal version to this MELBA special issue, based on careful examination of the submission, AC, reviewer and rebuttal comments. These submissions have gone through a new thorough review process. The final selection of 8 papers covers various topics, including learning under uncertainty, image generation and reconstruction, now presented in this MELBA special issue.
All papers can be found on the MELBA website:

MELBA publishes its first article!


We are pleased to announce that MELBA has published its first article: “An Uncertainty-Driven GCN Refinement Strategy for Organ Segmentation”. This paper presents an extension of the authors’ MIDL 2020 paper and is included in the MIDL 2020 Special Issue.

MELBA submission timeline


MELBA is actively accepting article submissions! See the Author instructions page for more information.