Reviewer instructions

When you accept to review a submission for MELBA, you acknowledge that you have no conflict of interest1 for this submission and you are able to provide an unbiased, rigorous scientific review.

There are two types of submissions: original research contributions and review articles.

For original research contributions, please consider the following points when reviewing:

For review articles, submissions should be a critical, systematic, thorough, and novel survey of the literature focused on a topic of relevance. The presentation should be clear and readable. Conflicts of interest should be acknowledged.

Recommendation: Please recommend a decision: accept (conditional on minor changes and will not go out for external review), revise and resubmit, or reject. If you suggest “conditional accept”, please provide a precise list of changes that can easily be checked upon resubmission.

1: Some obvious conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to: You have co-authored or collaborated with one of the authors in the last 3 years; You have served as an advisor or been the advisee of one of the authors in the last 10 years; You have received funding from a grant that also supports one of the authors, accepting or rejecting the paper would benefit you, etc. Any practice that can be interpreted as compromising the objective nature of the review process can also be considered as violating this policy. In case of questions related to conflicts, feel free to consult with the editor.